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Штокало Дмитрий Николаевич

Штокало Дмитрий Николаевич

Список публикаций

Tomilova Y.E., Russkikh N.E., Yi I.M., Shaburova E.V., Tomilov V.N., Pyrinova G.B., Brezhneva S.O., Tikhonyuk O.S., Gololobova N.S., Popichenko D.V., Arkhipov M.O., Bryzgalov L.O., Brenner E.V., Artyukh A.A., Shtokalo D.N., Antonets D.V., Ivanov M.K.
Nadezhda S. Dyrkheeva, Alexandra L. Zakharenko, Anastasia A. Malakhova, Larisa S. Okorokova, Dmitry N. Shtokalo, Sergey P. Medvedev, Alexey A. Tupikin, Marsel R. Kabilov, Olga I. Lavrik
Timothy A. McCaffrey, Ian Toma, Zhaoqing Yang, Richard Katz, Jonathan Reiner, Ramesh Mazhari, Palak Shah, Zachary Falk, Richard Wargowsky, Jennifer Goldman, Dan Jones, Dmitry Shtokalo, Denis Antonets, Tisha Jepson, Anastasia Fetisova, Kevin Jaatinen, Natalia Ree, Maxim Ri
Nadezhda S. Dyrkheeva, Anastasia A. Malakhova, Aleksandra L. Zakharenko, Larisa S. Okorokova,Dmitriy N. Shtokalo, Sophia V. Pavlova, Sergey P. Medvedev, Suren M. Zakian, Anna A. Nushtaeva, Alexey E. Tupikin , Marsel R. Kabilov, Svetlana N. Khodyreva , Olga A. Luzina, Nariman F. Salakhutdinov and Olga I. Lavrik
Ufuk Ergun, Bahar Say, Sezen Guntekin Ergun, Ferda Emriye Percin, Levent Inan, Sukran Kaygisiz, Pınar Gelener Asal, Buket Yurteri, Maksim Struchalin, Dmitry Shtokalo, Mehmet Ali Ergun.
European Journal of Medical Genetics. V64(4), April 2021
St Laurent G 3rd, Toma I, Seilheimer B, Cesnulevicius K, Schultz M, Tackett M, Zhou J, Ri M, Shtokalo D, Antonets D, Jepson T, McCaffrey TA.
BMC Genomics. 2021 Nov 25;22(1):854. doi: 10.1186/s12864-021-08083-2.
McCaffrey, T.A., Toma, I., Yang, Z., Katz, R., Reiner, J., Mazhari, R., Shah, P., Tackett, M., Jones, D., Jepson, T., Falk, Z., Wargodsky, R., Shtakalo, D., Antonets, D., Ertle, J., Kim, J., Lai, Y., Arslan, Z., Aledort, E., Alfaraidy M., St.Laurent III, G.
BMC Med Genomics 14, 216 (2021)
Мутации в генах ARID1A и SMARCA4 при рецидивах диффузной в-крупноклеточной лимфомы с поражением ЦНС
Воропаева Е.Н., Поспелова Т.И., Максимов В.Н., Березина О.В., Карпова В.С., Рзаев Д.А., Колесникова М.А., Вяткин Ю.В., Штокало Д.Н., Баширзаде К.А., Иванова А.А., Мельникова Е.С., Гуражева А.А.
Медицинская генетика. 2020. Т. 19. № 6 (215). С. 90-92.
McCaffrey TA, St Laurent G 3rd, Shtokalo D, Antonets D, Vyatkin Y, Jones D, Battison E, Nigg JT.
BMC Med Genomics. 2020 Oct 28;13(1):160. doi: 10.1186/s12920-020-00808-8. PMID: 33115496; PMCID: PMC7594430.
Denis Antonets, Nikolai Russkikh, Antoine Sanchez, Victoria Kovalenko, Elvira Bairamova, Dmitry Shtokalo, Sergey Medvedev, Suren Zakian
Sensors (Basel). 2020 Jun 29;20(13):3653. doi: 10.3390/s20133653.
Nikolai Russkikh, Denis Antonets, Dmitry Shtokalo, Alexander Makarov, Yuri Vyatkin, Alexey Zakharov, Evgeny Terentyev
Bioinformatics, Volume 36, Issue 20, 15 October 2020
Dementyeva EV, Medvedev SP, Kovalenko VR, Vyatkin YV, Kretov EI, Slotvitsky MM, Shtokalo DN, Pokushalov EA, Zakian SM.
Biochemistry (Mosc). 2019 Mar; 84(3):291-298. doi:10.1134/S0006297919030118
Sherstyuk VV, Davletshina GI, Vyatkin YV, Shtokalo DN, Vlasov VV, Zakian SM.
Acta Naturae. 2019 Apr-Jun;11(2):92-97. doi: 10.32607/20758251-2019-11-2-92-97
Sherstyuk V.V., Medvedev S.P., Ri M.T., Vyatkin Y.V., Saik O.V., Shtokalo D.N., Zakian S.M.
Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2018;22(2):179-186. DOI 10.18699/VJ18.345
Anisimenko M.S., Paul G.A., Kozyakov A.E., Gutkina N.I., Berdyugina D.A., Garanin A.Y., Butorina A.V., Gornostaeva E.V., Khafizov K.F., Vyatkin Y.V., Shtokalo D.N., Kovalenko S.P.
Siberian journal of oncology. 2018;17(4):53-58.
St. Laurent G, Toma I, Seilheimer B, Tackett M, Zhou J, Ri M, Shtokalo D, Vyatkin Y, Jepson T, Cesnulevicius K, McCaffrey T.
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2018;77:238-239
V.Sherstyuk, S.Medvedev, E.Elisaphenko, E.Vaskova, M.Ri, Y.Vyatkin, O.Saik, D.Shtokalo, E.Pokushalov, S.Zakian.
Scientific reports. 2017 Jun 5;7(1):2787. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-02632-0
St. Laurent G III, Seilheimer B, Tackett M, Zhou J, Shtokalo D, Vyatkin Y, Ri M, Toma I, Jones D and McCaffrey TA.
Front. Mol. Biosci. 4:57. 2017. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2017.00057.
G.St Laurent III, B. Seilheimer, M. Tackett, J. Zhou, D. Shtokalo, Y. Vyatkin, P. Kapranov, I. Toma, T. Mccaffrey.
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. V.76. P.202. June 2017. DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2017-eular.4964
G. St. Laurent, Y. Vyatkin, D. Antonets, M. Ri, Y. Qi, O. Saik, D. Shtokalo, M. J.L. de Hoon, H. Kawaji, M. Itoh, T. Lassmann, E. Arner, A.R.R. Forrest, The FANTOM consortium, E. Nicolas, T.A. McCaffrey, P. Carninci, Y. Hayashizaki, C. Wahlestedt, and P. Kapranov.
Nucl. Acids Res. (2016) doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw162
St Laurent G, Shtokalo D, Tackett MR, Yang Z, Vyatkin Y, Milos PM, Seilheimer B, McCaffrey TA, Kapranov P
Methods. 2013 Apr 4. pii: S1046-2023(13)00096-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2013.03.027.
Georges St Laurent, Dmitry Shtokalo, Biao Dong, Michael R Tackett, Xiaoxuan Fan, Sandra Lazorthes, Estelle Nicolas, Nianli Sang, Timothy J Triche, Timothy A McCaffrey, Weidong Xiao and Philipp Kapranov
Genome Biology. 2013 July 22, 14:R73. doi:10.1186/gb-2013-14-7-r73
St Laurent G, Tackett MR, Nechkin S, Shtokalo D, Antonets D, Savva YA, Maloney R, Kapranov P, Lawrence CE, Reenan RA
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. 2013 Sep 29. doi: 10.1038/nsmb.2675
On limiting transition in the model of multistage multiphase synthesis of substance
Shtokalo D.
Siberian Journal of Industrial Math. 15:4 (2012), p. 135–146 (in Russian)
Georges St Laurent, Dmitry Shtokalo, Michael R Tackett, Zhaoqing Yang, Tatyana Eremina, Claes Wahlestedt, Silvio Urcuqui-Inchima, Bernd Seilheimer, Timothy A McCaffrey and Philipp Kapranov
BMC Genomics. 2012 Sep 24;13:504. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-13-504
St Laurent G 3rd, Shtokalo D, Heydarian M, Palyanov A, Babiy D, Zhou J, Kumar A, Urcuqui-Inchima S
Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 2012 Dec; 287(11-12):867-79. doi: 10.1007/s00438-012-0722-8
Development of integrated environment for miRNA search and analysis
Nechkin S., Shtokalo D., Palyanov A., Sheremushkin E.
Intelligent software. PSI-2011, p. 176-179 (in Russian)
Structural analysis of RNA sequences interacted with HuR protein
Palyanov A., Sheremushkin E., Shtokalo D., Nechkin S., Heydarian M., G.St.Laurent
Software products and systems, 2010, No.3 (in Russian)
On limiting transition to delayed equation in the model of synthesis of substance with reversibility and sinks
Shtokalo D.
Siberian Journal of Industrial Math. 12:2 (2009), p.143-156 (in Russian).
The integrated environment for miRNA search and analysis
Nechkin S., Palyanov A., Cheremushkin E., Shtokalo D., Albert P., St.Laurent G.
Software products and systems, 2008, No.4, p.151-153 (in Russian)
Study of a model of linear biomolecular synthesis with reversible processes
Fadeev S., Likhoshvai V., Shtokalo D.
J. Appl. Indust. Math., 2007, v.1(2), p.178-189
Transformation of cycles based on non-singular matrices
Osmonov R., Shtokalo D.
Problems of intellectualization and quality of informatics systems, “Construction and optimization of programs”. Novosibirsk, 2006, p.162-176 (in Russian).
Waleev T, Shtokalo D, Konovalova T, Voss N, Cheremushkin E, Stegmaier P, Kel-Margoulis O, Wingender E, Kel A.
Nucleic Acids Research. 2006 Jul 1;34(Web Server issue):W541-5
Штокало Дмитрий Николаевич

Список публикаций

Tomilova Y.E., Russkikh N.E., Yi I.M., Shaburova E.V., Tomilov V.N., Pyrinova G.B., Brezhneva S.O., Tikhonyuk O.S., Gololobova N.S., Popichenko D.V., Arkhipov M.O., Bryzgalov L.O., Brenner E.V., Artyukh A.A., Shtokalo D.N., Antonets D.V., Ivanov M.K.
Nadezhda S. Dyrkheeva, Alexandra L. Zakharenko, Anastasia A. Malakhova, Larisa S. Okorokova, Dmitry N. Shtokalo, Sergey P. Medvedev, Alexey A. Tupikin, Marsel R. Kabilov, Olga I. Lavrik
Timothy A. McCaffrey, Ian Toma, Zhaoqing Yang, Richard Katz, Jonathan Reiner, Ramesh Mazhari, Palak Shah, Zachary Falk, Richard Wargowsky, Jennifer Goldman, Dan Jones, Dmitry Shtokalo, Denis Antonets, Tisha Jepson, Anastasia Fetisova, Kevin Jaatinen, Natalia Ree, Maxim Ri
Nadezhda S. Dyrkheeva, Anastasia A. Malakhova, Aleksandra L. Zakharenko, Larisa S. Okorokova,Dmitriy N. Shtokalo, Sophia V. Pavlova, Sergey P. Medvedev, Suren M. Zakian, Anna A. Nushtaeva, Alexey E. Tupikin , Marsel R. Kabilov, Svetlana N. Khodyreva , Olga A. Luzina, Nariman F. Salakhutdinov and Olga I. Lavrik
Ufuk Ergun, Bahar Say, Sezen Guntekin Ergun, Ferda Emriye Percin, Levent Inan, Sukran Kaygisiz, Pınar Gelener Asal, Buket Yurteri, Maksim Struchalin, Dmitry Shtokalo, Mehmet Ali Ergun.
European Journal of Medical Genetics. V64(4), April 2021
St Laurent G 3rd, Toma I, Seilheimer B, Cesnulevicius K, Schultz M, Tackett M, Zhou J, Ri M, Shtokalo D, Antonets D, Jepson T, McCaffrey TA.
BMC Genomics. 2021 Nov 25;22(1):854. doi: 10.1186/s12864-021-08083-2.
McCaffrey, T.A., Toma, I., Yang, Z., Katz, R., Reiner, J., Mazhari, R., Shah, P., Tackett, M., Jones, D., Jepson, T., Falk, Z., Wargodsky, R., Shtakalo, D., Antonets, D., Ertle, J., Kim, J., Lai, Y., Arslan, Z., Aledort, E., Alfaraidy M., St.Laurent III, G.
BMC Med Genomics 14, 216 (2021)
Мутации в генах ARID1A и SMARCA4 при рецидивах диффузной в-крупноклеточной лимфомы с поражением ЦНС
Воропаева Е.Н., Поспелова Т.И., Максимов В.Н., Березина О.В., Карпова В.С., Рзаев Д.А., Колесникова М.А., Вяткин Ю.В., Штокало Д.Н., Баширзаде К.А., Иванова А.А., Мельникова Е.С., Гуражева А.А.
Медицинская генетика. 2020. Т. 19. № 6 (215). С. 90-92.
McCaffrey TA, St Laurent G 3rd, Shtokalo D, Antonets D, Vyatkin Y, Jones D, Battison E, Nigg JT.
BMC Med Genomics. 2020 Oct 28;13(1):160. doi: 10.1186/s12920-020-00808-8. PMID: 33115496; PMCID: PMC7594430.
Denis Antonets, Nikolai Russkikh, Antoine Sanchez, Victoria Kovalenko, Elvira Bairamova, Dmitry Shtokalo, Sergey Medvedev, Suren Zakian
Sensors (Basel). 2020 Jun 29;20(13):3653. doi: 10.3390/s20133653.
Nikolai Russkikh, Denis Antonets, Dmitry Shtokalo, Alexander Makarov, Yuri Vyatkin, Alexey Zakharov, Evgeny Terentyev
Bioinformatics, Volume 36, Issue 20, 15 October 2020
Dementyeva EV, Medvedev SP, Kovalenko VR, Vyatkin YV, Kretov EI, Slotvitsky MM, Shtokalo DN, Pokushalov EA, Zakian SM.
Biochemistry (Mosc). 2019 Mar; 84(3):291-298. doi:10.1134/S0006297919030118
Sherstyuk VV, Davletshina GI, Vyatkin YV, Shtokalo DN, Vlasov VV, Zakian SM.
Acta Naturae. 2019 Apr-Jun;11(2):92-97. doi: 10.32607/20758251-2019-11-2-92-97
Sherstyuk V.V., Medvedev S.P., Ri M.T., Vyatkin Y.V., Saik O.V., Shtokalo D.N., Zakian S.M.
Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2018;22(2):179-186. DOI 10.18699/VJ18.345
Anisimenko M.S., Paul G.A., Kozyakov A.E., Gutkina N.I., Berdyugina D.A., Garanin A.Y., Butorina A.V., Gornostaeva E.V., Khafizov K.F., Vyatkin Y.V., Shtokalo D.N., Kovalenko S.P.
Siberian journal of oncology. 2018;17(4):53-58.
St. Laurent G, Toma I, Seilheimer B, Tackett M, Zhou J, Ri M, Shtokalo D, Vyatkin Y, Jepson T, Cesnulevicius K, McCaffrey T.
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2018;77:238-239
V.Sherstyuk, S.Medvedev, E.Elisaphenko, E.Vaskova, M.Ri, Y.Vyatkin, O.Saik, D.Shtokalo, E.Pokushalov, S.Zakian.
Scientific reports. 2017 Jun 5;7(1):2787. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-02632-0
St. Laurent G III, Seilheimer B, Tackett M, Zhou J, Shtokalo D, Vyatkin Y, Ri M, Toma I, Jones D and McCaffrey TA.
Front. Mol. Biosci. 4:57. 2017. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2017.00057.
G.St Laurent III, B. Seilheimer, M. Tackett, J. Zhou, D. Shtokalo, Y. Vyatkin, P. Kapranov, I. Toma, T. Mccaffrey.
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. V.76. P.202. June 2017. DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2017-eular.4964
G. St. Laurent, Y. Vyatkin, D. Antonets, M. Ri, Y. Qi, O. Saik, D. Shtokalo, M. J.L. de Hoon, H. Kawaji, M. Itoh, T. Lassmann, E. Arner, A.R.R. Forrest, The FANTOM consortium, E. Nicolas, T.A. McCaffrey, P. Carninci, Y. Hayashizaki, C. Wahlestedt, and P. Kapranov.
Nucl. Acids Res. (2016) doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw162
St Laurent G, Shtokalo D, Tackett MR, Yang Z, Vyatkin Y, Milos PM, Seilheimer B, McCaffrey TA, Kapranov P
Methods. 2013 Apr 4. pii: S1046-2023(13)00096-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2013.03.027.
Georges St Laurent, Dmitry Shtokalo, Biao Dong, Michael R Tackett, Xiaoxuan Fan, Sandra Lazorthes, Estelle Nicolas, Nianli Sang, Timothy J Triche, Timothy A McCaffrey, Weidong Xiao and Philipp Kapranov
Genome Biology. 2013 July 22, 14:R73. doi:10.1186/gb-2013-14-7-r73
St Laurent G, Tackett MR, Nechkin S, Shtokalo D, Antonets D, Savva YA, Maloney R, Kapranov P, Lawrence CE, Reenan RA
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. 2013 Sep 29. doi: 10.1038/nsmb.2675
On limiting transition in the model of multistage multiphase synthesis of substance
Shtokalo D.
Siberian Journal of Industrial Math. 15:4 (2012), p. 135–146 (in Russian)
Georges St Laurent, Dmitry Shtokalo, Michael R Tackett, Zhaoqing Yang, Tatyana Eremina, Claes Wahlestedt, Silvio Urcuqui-Inchima, Bernd Seilheimer, Timothy A McCaffrey and Philipp Kapranov
BMC Genomics. 2012 Sep 24;13:504. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-13-504
St Laurent G 3rd, Shtokalo D, Heydarian M, Palyanov A, Babiy D, Zhou J, Kumar A, Urcuqui-Inchima S
Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 2012 Dec; 287(11-12):867-79. doi: 10.1007/s00438-012-0722-8
Development of integrated environment for miRNA search and analysis
Nechkin S., Shtokalo D., Palyanov A., Sheremushkin E.
Intelligent software. PSI-2011, p. 176-179 (in Russian)
Structural analysis of RNA sequences interacted with HuR protein
Palyanov A., Sheremushkin E., Shtokalo D., Nechkin S., Heydarian M., G.St.Laurent
Software products and systems, 2010, No.3 (in Russian)
On limiting transition to delayed equation in the model of synthesis of substance with reversibility and sinks
Shtokalo D.
Siberian Journal of Industrial Math. 12:2 (2009), p.143-156 (in Russian).
The integrated environment for miRNA search and analysis
Nechkin S., Palyanov A., Cheremushkin E., Shtokalo D., Albert P., St.Laurent G.
Software products and systems, 2008, No.4, p.151-153 (in Russian)
Study of a model of linear biomolecular synthesis with reversible processes
Fadeev S., Likhoshvai V., Shtokalo D.
J. Appl. Indust. Math., 2007, v.1(2), p.178-189
Transformation of cycles based on non-singular matrices
Osmonov R., Shtokalo D.
Problems of intellectualization and quality of informatics systems, “Construction and optimization of programs”. Novosibirsk, 2006, p.162-176 (in Russian).
Waleev T, Shtokalo D, Konovalova T, Voss N, Cheremushkin E, Stegmaier P, Kel-Margoulis O, Wingender E, Kel A.
Nucleic Acids Research. 2006 Jul 1;34(Web Server issue):W541-5